Saturday, July 11, 2009

measures and bars

i lay beneath the stars as i was carried away through the city. on my back i watched the moon turn the grass blue and wondered if this was how it was so named. i watched the birds flutter past and sit on electric wires. old men and women stood by picking fruit from the trees, their skin was stained from the earth and was turned to a leather. on their heads they wore sombreros although though there was no sun. they straightened up to get a better look at the odd twosome that was riding by. the heat was moist and made my shirt stick to my back but i didn't mind because your music was all i felt. you used the machine to quench our thirst and satisfy our hungry minds. the soft chords and your low voice cooled my skin and brought me to a world far away. you played until the sun turned the horizon red and i was carried to sleep on your measures and bars.

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